Kali Linux in the field cybersecurity

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 In today's era everything is internet and a majority of population are connected to the internet. When there is a majority of population is using internet then there comes their safety. Then the term Cyber Security comes. Many websites are

Cyber Security
Cyber Security is the protection of internet-connected
Systems,including Hardware, Software, data and
protection against Cyber-attacks.

   The three main activites of cyber attacks are :

  • Unauthorized Access: when an intruder tries 
to access to your system or server without
your authorization.
  • Unauthorized Modification: when an intruder
tries to modify or change your system, server
or website configuration without your
  • Unauthorized Deletion: when an intruder tries
to delete something or delete your whole server
or your system by means to harm u.
    All these above acts are done by different type of cyber attacks. Normally an Intruder gain access to your system or server by creating a path way that can be a malicious file , trojans ,etc.The best part is you will have no knowledge of getting hacked or attacked in most of the cases. They find vulnerabilities in your System or Server by various tools and take advantage of these tools.

Kali linux as a saviour

    So Kali Linux in terms of security comes a great has as it has a small user area as compared to other OS like windows . Thus when a hacker target a number of users which generally happen until u r targeted specially, thus they target common OS used by these user which is mostly the windows, thus being a Linux user puts you in a great advantage.   But the features of Kali Linux is not limited to these. Accessing the root it has built in installed with a number of tools that are used in hacking. We will come to this topic soon.



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